Policies and Procedures Manual

Chapter 4: Business & Administration

04:60:00   Use of College Equipment

Related Policies and Guidelines

TBR Policy IT Acceptable Uses

Equipment bought by or donated to Northeast State Community College is state property and may be used for job related activities, but not for personal activities. If state property is taken outside an employee's office or off the worksite (i.e., the campus) in order that an employee may pursue job related activities, then a log of the whereabouts of this equipment must be maintained. All state property must be tagged in accordance with state regulations, and each institution must be able to identify where tagged items are at all times. The following policies will be used to govern the use of college equipment:

  1. Equipment may not be signed out unless the serial numbers are recorded and inventory tags have been placed on the equipment by the Business Office. No equipment may be removed from campus without proper authorization. 
  2. All special and instructional equipment housed in the Library must be signed out by the Library staff. When checked-out equipment is not in use, it must be kept in a secure place. Equipment may be checked out to an individual for use on or off campus for instructional purposes or college related functions. 
  3. The replacement of damaged or lost college equipment is the responsibility of the individual signing for the equipment. The employee signing for the equipment must replace the lost or damaged equipment with equipment of the same or similar type or pay for the equipment at the replacement cost value. Arrangements for replacing or paying for lost or damaged equipment must be made with the Chief Financial Officer. 
  4. When provable security measures have been taken, and equipment is stolen or damaged, replacement may not be expected of the signer. 
  5. Equipment not owned by the College but borrowed by faculty or staff for use on
    campus is the responsibility of the borrower. The college assumes no responsibility in case of loss or damage.

Please see Tennessee Board of Regents’ Policy ( IT Acceptable Uses) for IT Acceptable Uses.

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Divisional Review Responsibilities Checklist: Finance and Administration

Revision History: March 2013, March 2015; Edited June 2021