Policies and Procedures Manual

Chapter 4: Business & Administration

04:22:00   Furnishing and Decorating Offices

In an effort to establish consistency in the furnishing and decorating of office and reception areas as well as ensuring suitable quality at reasonable costs, the following standards have been adopted for utilization in furnishing and decorating offices/reception areas.

Requests for new and/or replacement furnishings should be made on the basis of a need. The source of funds from which the purchase will be made as well as the total estimated cost must be identified.

In compliance with TBR policy, statewide contracts will be utilized as the first source from which to purchase furnishings. Individual office/conference chairs will be purchased from the current state contract.Where modular office components are appropriate, the purchase will be made from the current state contract.

For reception areas in which items available from state contracts are not suitable, other sources may be utilized. If there is a need to furnish an entire reception area, the request should include all similar items (e.g., sofas, chairs, tables, etc.) and should be submitted for bid, including specifications. If the need is to replace an occasional item, the request should be submitted to determine if a bid is necessary. Furnishings in this category are to be reviewed for compliance with this policy by the chair of the Furniture/Décor Committee. Each request will be reviewed on the basis of price, quality, suitability, and comparability to other similarly furnished areas. For exceptions to this policy, the Furniture/Décor Committee may be convened to review the request and make a recommendation for purchase to the appropriate administrator or, as needed, to the president.

The college has defined carpet, paint, and other finishes and accessories to be utilized as a standard for areas receiving renovations. A variety of colors and textures of carpets as well as coordinating colors of paint and other finishes are available from which selections may be made by individual departments/offices.

With respect to decorations (e.g., wall hangings, plants, etc.), departments may request the purchase of such items from departmental funds for reception/public traffic areas. However, departmental funds may not be used to decorate individual offices. An entire plan for the decoration of a reception area should be submitted as one request to allow an assessment of the proposed cost of such furnishings. Although a maximum dollar amount is not specified, the total request must represent reasonable selections and costs. All furnishings, paint, carpet, and other finishes must be submitted through the office of Plant Operations for approval. Exceptions to this policy may be considered by the president upon the recommendation of the Furniture/Décor Committee.

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Divisional Review Responsibilities Checklist: Finance and Administration

Revision History: June 2003; July 2013; May 2017