Policies and Procedures Manual

Chapter 4: Business & Administration

04:02:00   Application of Refund Due to Drops and/or Withdrawals

In those cases where institutional refunds of tuition and fees occur, the application of those funds shall be in the following priority order:

Federal funds, according to current rules pertaining to the return of Title IV funds (when a student officially withdraws or unofficially withdraws, receiving all “F” grades in classes due to nonattendance):

  1. Federal PELL Grant funds
  2. Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant funds
  3. LEAP/SLEAP funds as part of TSAA

Institutional funds, according to current rules pertaining to the return of institutional funds:

  1. Institutional scholarships
  2. Minority/desegregation grants and scholarships
  3. Foundation scholarships

State funds, according to current rules pertaining to the return of state funds:

  1. Vocational Rehabilitation awards
  2. Tennessee Educational Lottery Scholarship (TELS) funds (when a student drops or withdraws from a class)

Private scholarships*

Student funds

*Private scholarships must be reviewed for refund requirements specific to the scholarship.

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Divisional Review Responsibilities Checklist: Finance and Administration

Revision History: March 2005 (Implemented); June 2014