Policies and Procedures Manual

Chapter 4: Business & Administration

04:19:00   Emergency Procedures in the Event of Illness/Injury to an Employee, Student, or Visitor

Related Policies and Guidelines

NeSCC 04:55:00 State Employee Guide for Reporting an Accident

In the event of illness or injury to an employee, student, or visitor, the office of the Northeast State Police Department (NeSPD) should immediately be contacted. Police/security officers will advise the College nurse, if available, and manage all emergency situations involving illness or injury. Depending upon the nature and seriousness of the illness/injury the NeSPD will contact an external agency which provides emergency medical care. If an external agency responds to a request from the campus and provides emergency medical care, the individual receiving the care is financially responsible for the cost of the medical service.

When the NeSPD is contacted regarding an illness or injury, the office should complete an "Injury/Illness Report". If the illness/injury occurs with a student, the report should be forwarded to the Vice President for Institutional Excellence and Student Success. If the illness/injury occurs to an employee, the report should be forwarded to the Office of Human Resources and Organizational Effectiveness. The report should be forwarded to the Chief Financial Officer if the illness/injury occurs with a visitor. Copies of the completed reports are maintained by the NeSPD.

In instances where accidents involving motor vehicles and pedestrians, other motor vehicles, bicycles, animals, or fixed objects occur, the NeSPD will complete a Tennessee Uniform Traffic Crash Report or a college accident report if the damage is less than $400. Copies of the report should be forwarded to the Chief Financial Officer if damage to state property is sustained or if the accident may result in possible liability by the state. Copies of the Accident Report Form are also maintained by the NeSPD.

Employees of the College who are involved in an accident in a state-owned vehicle should follow the procedures outlined in NeSCC Policy 04:55:00.

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Divisional Review Responsibilities Checklist: Finance and Administration

Revision History: July 2002; May 2004; Nov. 2005; May 2010; March 2013; Sept. 2016; Edited June 2021