Policies and Procedures Manual

Chapter 6: College Committees & Advisory Councils

06:45:00   Technology Planning and Oversight


The Technology Planning and Oversight Committee will advise the President on the development and use of voice, video, and data technologies throughout all aspects of college operations. The Committee will coordinate strategic planning and provide oversight for the implementation of new technological applications.

Specifically, the Committee shall be concerned with:

  1. Assessing needs that should be satisfied by the use of technology;
  2. Receiving and evaluating ideas on the use of technology;
  3. Recommending priorities relative to the implementation of technological applications;
  4. Evaluating the effectiveness of technological operations and services in meeting needs; and
  5. Disseminating information to college personnel about the activities of the Committee. The results of these efforts will culminate in the development of the annual Technology Plan.


  1. Chief Information Officer, Chair
  2. Academic Computing Manager
  3. Academic Deans
  4. Administrative/Professional Staff (2): appointed by the President
  5. Assistant Director of Application and Web Services
  6. Assistant Director of Client Services
  7. Assistant Director of Infrastructure and Network Services 
  8. Assistant Director of Media and Theatre Services
  9. Assistant Vice President for Multi-Campus Programs
  10. Assistant Vice President for Research, Analytics, and Planning
  11. Assistant Vice President for Teaching Excellence and Academic Services
  12. Director of Human Resources
  13. Director of Internal Audit
  14. Director of Workforce Solutions
  15. Executive Director of Economic and Workforce Development
  16. Faculty (2): appointed by the President
  17. President
  18. Purchasing Coordinator
  19. Students (2): Student representatives serving on the Technology Access Fee Committee who are appointed by the Vice President for Institutional Excellence and Student Success
  20. Vice President for Academic Affairs
  21. Vice President for Inclusive Excellence and Sponsored Programs
  22. Vice President for Economic and Workforce Development
  23. Vice President for Finance and Administration
  24. Vice President for Institutional Excellence and Student Success

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Divisional Review Responsibilities Checklist: Information Technology

Revision History: June 2002; Nov. 2002; May 2004; March 2005; Nov. 2005; Feb. 2007; July 2008; Jan. 2009; March 2010; March 2011; Nov. 2011; March 2013; July 2014; Sept. 2014; March 2017; June 2017; Aug. 2019; Edited Aug. 2019; Edited Dec. 2019; Edited Jan. 2020; Edited Feb. 2020; Revised July 2021; Edited Oct. 2021