Chapter 3: Student Affairs03:05:00 Expectations of Students and Student Code of Conduct
The community of scholars at Northeast State Community College is committed to the development of personal and academic excellence. The essence of a College is the pursuit, dissemination, and application of knowledge, and members of this community should engage vigorously in the College’s academic life. As voluntary members of the College Community, students are expected to act with civility toward others in the community. Accordingly, in order to foster and promote an educational environment conducive to the College’s mission, students at Northeast State are expected to:
- Commit themselves to learning and the pursuit of higher education;
- Prepare for, attend, and actively participate in scheduled classes;
- Conduct themselves with personal and academic integrity;
- Respect the rights and dignity of all members of the College Community;
- Discourage bigotry and encourage tolerance while striving to learn from differences in people, ideas, and opinions;
- Refrain from and discourage behaviors that threaten the freedom, respect, and safety that every individual deserves;
- Participate in the broad educational experience available to all members of the College Community through College-sponsored cultural events and other educational activities;
- Observe prescribed procedures and schedules for academic advisement, registration, and advancement in a chosen program of study;
- Observe all rules and regulations, including those designed to insure and promote safety and security on the Northeast State campus;
- Use, as necessary, various College services available to students for assistance with academic, health, career, financial, emotional, and other concerns; and
- Assist the College in evaluation of its programs and services and conscientiously participate in evaluations, surveys, and periodic comprehensive examinations.
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Revision History: April 2014; Revised Oct. 2019