Chapter 6: College Committees & Advisory Councils06:39:00 Strategic Planning Committee
Related Policies and Guidelines
NeSCC Policy 01:12:00 Strategic Planning and Continuous Improvement Process
NeSCC Policy 04:03:00 Budget
NeSCC Policy 06:45:00 Technology Planning and Oversight
NeSCC Policy 06:50:00 President's Cabinet
The Strategic Planning Committee coordinates and supports the College’s comprehensive strategic planning, management, and improvement process. As an advisory function to the president, the committee is comprised of faculty, staff, and student participants representing a cross section of the college community. With respect to planning, the committee provides leadership for the College’s long-range strategic planning initiatives through the development and implementation of each ten-year Strategic Plan. Through campus-wide involvement, the committee supports overall academic and administrative planning and development; establishes strategic goals and priorities; reviews and reaffirms the documents that frame the College’s comprehensive commitment to provide educational programs at the highest levels of quality: the Vision, Values, and Mission; supports the establishment of departmental priorities in the form of operational objectives linked to budgetary resources; assesses annual performance; and promotes utilization of assessment results for continuous improvement.
The Strategic Planning Committee also provides special support for the College’s on-going Institutional Effectiveness program. In this role, the committee encourages and supports various student outcomes and institutional assessment, and recommends institutional and instructional changes based upon assessment results. In support of these mandates, the committee periodically identifies systems and processes for study by ad hoc teams established to promote the continuous improvement of specific programs and services. As appropriate, the committee may recommend team membership to the President, sponsor team activities, consider reports and recommendations from the teams, and support implementation of improvements. The committee will also monitor, encourage and recognize continuous improvement processes throughout the College.
The President's Cabinet, which serves as the executive branch of the Strategic Planning Committee, and/or the full Strategic Planning Committee will meet as required throughout the year. The President will chair the Strategic Planning Committee and staff and functional support will be provided by the Vice President for Institutional Excellence and Student Success.
- President's Cabinet (NeSCC Policy 06:50:00), which serves as the executive branch of the Strategic Planning Committee
- Academic Division Deans (6)
- Institutional Advancement and Culture Mid-Level Manager (1): appointed by the Vice President for Institutional Advancement and Culture
- Adjunct Faculty (1): appointed by the Vice President for Academic Affairs
- Economic and Workforce Development Mid-Level Manager (1): appointed by the Vice President for Economic and Workforce Development
- Full-time Faculty (one from each academic division): appointed by the Vice President for Academic Affairs
- Institutional Excellence and Student Success Mid-level Manager (1): appointed by the Vice President for Institutional Excellence and Student Success
- Finance and Administration Mid-Level Manager (2): appointed by the Vice President of Finance and Administration
- Director of Plant Operations
- Chief of Police
- Student (1): appointed by the Vice President for Institutional Excellence and Student Success
- Support Staff (3): appointed by the President
- Strategic Objective Leads; appointed by the Vice President for Institutional Excellence and Student Success
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Revision History: June 2003; May 2004; March 2005; Nov. 2005; Jan. 2007; March 2008; July 2008; Jan. 2009; June 2010; Aug. 2010; March 2011; Sept. 2011; Oct. 2011; March 2013; June 2013; July 2014; Sept. 2014; Oct. 2014; May 2019; Edited Aug. 2019; Edited Oct. 2019; Edited Jan. 2020; Edited June 2021; Edited Feb. 2022; Edited Apr. 2023; February 2025