Policies and Procedures Manual

Chapter 5: Personnel

05:08:03   Inclement Weather: Cancellation of Classes

In the event it is necessary to cancel college credit classes* or close the College due to severe weather, campus, or road conditions, procedures will be as follows: The Chief of Police or designee will collect as much data as possible concerning current weather, campus, and road conditions. The data collection will occur between 4:30-5:00 a.m. prior to the start of day classes. The Chief of Police will then convene the Ad Hoc Weather Committee no later than 5 a.m. to report current and anticipated weather, campus, and road conditions. A determination via Committee consensus will be made as to recommending a delayed start or cancellation of day classes. The Vice President for Academic Affairs will make the final decision regarding the delay or cancellation of day classes. The President will make the final decision regarding closing the College. A decision about the cancellation of day classes will be announced by 6:00 a.m. Any decision regarding evening classes (those beginning at 4:30 p.m. or after) will be made by 3 p.m. Sudden changes in weather conditions could result in a day or evening class schedule change at any time.  Anytime a schedule change is made, pertinent information will be posted via Northeast State's website, automated phone system, email, and campus alert system. Appropriate local radio and TV stations will be contacted.

Students and employees are advised to monitor Northeast State's website, automated phone system, email, and campus alert system. When weather conditions are questionable but classes are not canceled, employees and students should consider safety a primary factor in determining attendance. Students will be provided an opportunity to make up work missed due to absences occurring on days when classes are canceled. Make-up of instructional time missed due to class cancellation(s) may be designated at the discretion of the President.

*Non-credit classes are exempt from Policy 05:08:03. Cancellation decisions specific to non-credit classes will be made at the discretion of the Vice President for Economic and Workforce Development or designee and the industry partner(s) involved.

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Divisional Review Responsibilities Checklist: Academic Affairs

Revision History: Feb. 2007; June 2009; Nov. 2010; Sept. 2013; Nov. 2014; Revised Feb. 2021