Policies and Procedures Manual

Chapter 6: College Committees & Advisory Councils

06:01:00   Academic Advisement


The Academic Advisement Committee is responsible for coordinating an annual review of the academic advisement process and recommending improvements in the process to the Vice President for Academic Affairs. The Committee will also be responsible for reviewing and recommending improvements to academic advising training and resources. 


  1. Dean of Advising and Retention, Chair
  2. Assistant Registrar
  3. Academic Advisor/Completion Coach
  4. Assistant Vice President for Enrollment Services
  5. Faculty (6):
    1. Faculty (1): elected by Faculty in the Behavioral and Social Sciences Division
    2. Faculty (1): elected by Faculty in the Health Professions Division
    3. Faculty (1): elected by Faculty in the Humanities Division
    4. Faculty (1): elected by Faculty in the Mathematics Division
    5. Faculty (1): elected by Faculty in the Science Division
    6. Faculty (1): elected by Faculty in the Technologies Division

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Divisional Review Responsibilities Checklist: Academic Affairs

Revision History: May 2004; Nov. 2005; Feb. 2007; March 2008; Jan. 2009; April 2009; Oct. 2011; March 2013; Sept. 2014; March 2017; Oct. 2017; April 2019; July 2019; Edited Aug. 2019; Edited Feb. 2020; Edited May 2020; Edited Mar. 2023