Policies and Procedures Manual

Chapter 7: Safety and Security

07:06:00   Non-Academic Space Planning Allocation Policy
Related Policies and Guidelines

NeSCC Policy 05:05:13 Faculty Office Assignments

NeSCC Policy 06:55:00 Non-Academic Space Planning Advisory Committee


The purpose of the Space Planning Allocation policy is to establish a procedure for reviewing and approving the allocation or reallocation of existing spaces to support the mission and strategic goals of the College.

The purpose of the Space Allocation Form is to define the purpose and scope of the space along with providing detailed information as to the requirments needed to change the space.


This policy will apply to all campus spaces in owned or leased properties. Any academic or administrative unit may request new space, the reallocation of existing space, and permission to change the use. The unit requesting space must complete a Space Allocation Form. The Office of Plant Operations and Office of Information Technology will review the request regarding space considerations and IT needs.

Once reviewed, the request will be routed to the intermediate supervisor/s and appropriate Vice President for approval. After the form is approved, the Non-Academic Space Planning Advisory Committee (NSPAC) will convene to vote upon the request using majority rule.

The NSPAC will review space allocation requests as needed.

When competing needs arise, the highest demand and best use of space specific to the College’s Mission and Strategic Plan will guide the space allocation decision-making process. Space requests for full-time staff will take priority over part-time/temporary staff.

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Revision History: January 2022; Edited April 2023