Policies and Procedures Manual

Chapter 6: College Committees & Advisory Councils

06:55:00   Non-Academic Space Planning Advisory Committee

Related Policies and Guidelines

NeSCC Policy 07:06:00 Non-Academic Space Planning Allocation Policy


The Space Planning Advisory Committee (SPAC) committee will be responsible for reviewing and approving the allocation or reallocation of existing spaces to support the educational mission and strategic goals of the College. 


  1. Vice President of Finance and Administration (chair)
  2. Vice President for Academic Affairs
  3. Vice President for Inclusive Excellence and Sponsored Programs
  4. Vice President for Economic and Workforce Development
  5. Vice President for Institutional Excellence and Student Success
  6. President's designee
  7. Assistant Vice President and Chief Information Officer - Non-voting
  8. Director of Plant Operations and Maintenance - Non-voting
  9. Facilities Project Manager - Non-voting
  10. Director of Human Resources - Non-voting

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Divisional Review Responsibilities Checklist: Finance and Administration

Revision History: January 2022; Edited Jun 2023