Policies and Procedures Manual

Chapter 3: Student Affairs

03:06:10   Student Organization Advisor Guidelines

Related Policies and Guidelines

TBR Guideline S-030 Student Advisor

TBR Policy Access to and Use of Campus Property and Facilities

TBR Policy Student Organizations

  1. A sanctioned student organization advisor should have a working knowledge of Northeast State Community College and Tennessee Board of Regents TBR Policy on student organizations. As part of the advisor's duties, they should have a clear understanding of the role of the Office of Student Life in coordinating the student organization's programming and activities.
  2. In carrying out the role of advisor, they should have an interest in the student organization for which they are an advisor. The advisor should also have an interest in the growth and development of the organization within the structure of the College and within the international and national structure of the organization if applicable. The advisor's interest should be as a result of previous or current membership in the specified organization, or as a result of a professional relationship with or interest in the specified organization's subject matter or pursuit, or through a desire to take part in the growth and development of a specified organization.
  3. An advisor should be committed to serving the needs of an organization and its members by but not limited to:
    1. attending all formal functions staged or held by the organization,
    2. developing a rapport with the membership of the organization, especially the officers,
    3. keeping abreast of current developments in the particular areas served by the organization,
    4. developing a working relationship with national, state, and/or regional officers of the organization (if applicable),
    5. working with College officials to inform the organization of TBR and Northeast State policies, procedures, and decisions that affect the functioning of the organization,
    6. encouraging responsible use, administration, and monitoring of the organization’s social media accounts, and
    7. maintaining access to all student organization passwords, usernames, and login information.
  4. An advisor should acquire a working knowledge of College and TBR policies and guidelines as they relate to fundraising, fund accounting, and fund disbursement as outlined in TBR and College business policies and procedures. The advisor should then assist with the financial duties associated with the organization by counseling and assisting officers, by reviewing financial statements and accounts, and by assisting with institutional procedures designed to safeguard funds.
  5. An advisor should have a reasonable knowledge of current applicable standards in the area of student organizations in higher education and liability issues. An advisor should consult with chief student service, College, and designated legal officials concerning applicable standards.
  6. An advisor should attempt to assist in the planning of all social and formal functions, whether on or off- campus; the advisor shall routinely appear at planned social function. Advisors should, in aiding the organization in planning events, maintain consistency with all College and TBR policies and guidelines such as but not limited to TBR Policy on Access and Use of Campus Property and Facilities.
  7. An advisor should encourage the development of initiative and leadership within the specified organization, should assist the officials of the College in identifying potential officers and leaders within the organization, and should serve as a resource person for the organization in leadership areas.
  8. Advisors of sanctioned student organizations should be the equivalent of permanent full-time employees of the College receiving permission from their supervisors (Executive Level) to serve; permanent part-time employees may serve as advisors if approved by their supervisors (Executive Level).
  9. Adjunct faculty and/or part-time temporary employees should not serve as advisors for any sanctioned student organization. However, adjunct faculty and/or part-time temporary employees may volunteer to help with student organizations outside of their employment contracts or other required College work hours. The College’s Volunteer Form and any other applicable forms must be signed to ensure the adjunct faculty and/or part-time temporary employees are aware that this participation is a volunteer activity and not part of their instructional or employee contract hours.

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Divisional Review Responsibilities Checklist: Institutional Excellence and Student Success

Revision History: April 2014; Oct. 2014; Oct. 2017; Edited Oct. 2019