Policies and Procedures Manual

Chapter 3: Student Affairs

03:05:05   Disciplinary Sanctions

Related Policies and Procedures

TBR Policy Appeals to the Chancellor and the Board

TBR Policy Uniform Procedures for Cases Subject to the Uniform Administrative Procedures Act

TBR Policy General Policy on Student Conduct & Disciplinary Sanctions

TBR Policy Student Due Process Procedure

TBR Rule 0240-02-03 Student Conduct and Disciplinary Sanctions

NeSCC Policy 03:05:00 Expectations of Students and Student Code of Conduct

NeSCC Policy 03:05:03 Disciplinary Offenses

NeSCC Policy 03:05:04 Academic, Non-Academic, and Classroom Misconduct

NeSCC Policy 03:05:06 Disciplinary Procedures

NeSCC Policy 06:43:00 Student Discipline Committee

NeSCC Policy 06:51:00 Academic Discipline Committee

Upon a determination that a student or student organization has violated any of the disciplinary offenses set forth in these policies, Northeast State Community College (NeSCC) disciplinary policies, or the general policies of NeSCC, disciplinary sanctions may be imposed, either singly or in combination, by the appropriate institution officials.

  1. Restitution. Restitution may be required in situations which involve theft, destruction, damage, or loss of property, or unreimbursed medical expenses resulting from physical injury. When restitution is required, the student or student organization is obligated by the appropriate institutional authority to compensate a party or parties for a loss suffered as a result of disciplinary violation(s). This action may take the form of appropriate service, monetary compensation, or material replacement. Any monetary payment in restitution shall be limited to actual cost of repair, replacement or financial loss;
  2. Warning. The appropriate institutional official may notify orally or in writing the student or student organization that continuation or repetition of specified conduct may be cause for other disciplinary action;
  3. Reprimand. A written or verbal reprimand or censure may be given to any student or student organization whose conduct violates any part of this policy and provides notice that any further violation(s) may result in more serious penalties;
  4. Service to the Institution or Community. A student, or student organization, may be required to donate a specified number of service hours to the institution performing reasonable tasks for an appropriate institution office, official(s), or the local community. The service required shall be commensurate to the offense (including but not limited to service for maintenance staff for defacing institutional property);
  5. Specified Educational/Counseling Program. A student or student organization may be required to participate in specified educational or counseling program(s) relevant to the offense, or to prepare a project or report concerning a relevant topic;
  6. Restriction. A restriction upon a student’s or student organization’s privileges for a period of time may be imposed. This restriction may include, but not be limited to, denial of the ability to represent the institution at any event, ability to participate in institution or TBR sponsored travel, use of facilities, parking privileges, participation in extracurricular activities or restriction of organizational privileges;
  7. Probation. Continued enrollment of a student or recognition of a student organization on probation may be conditioned upon adherence to this policy. Any student or organization placed on probation will be notified in writing of the terms and length of the probation. Probation may include but not be limited to restrictions upon extracurricular activities, or any other appropriate special condition(s). Any conduct in further violation of this policy while on probationary status or the failure to comply with the terms of the probationary period may result in the imposition of further disciplinary action;
  8. Suspension. Suspension is the separation of a student or student organization from the institution for a specified period of time. Suspension may be accompanied by special conditions for readmission or recognition;
  9. Expulsion. Expulsion entails a permanent separation from the institution. The imposition of this sanction is a permanent bar to the student’s admission, or a student organization’s recognition by the institution. A student or organization that has been expelled may not enter institution property or facilities or institution-controlled property or facilities without obtaining prior approval from an appropriate institution official with knowledge of the expulsion directive;
  10. Revocation and Withholding of Admission, Degree, or Credential; and Interim Involuntary Withdrawal or Suspension. As a general rule, the status of a student or student organization accused of violation of TBR rules, this policy, or an institutional policy should not be altered until a final determination has been made in regard to the charges. However, interim or involuntary withdrawal or suspension, pending the completion of disciplinary procedures, may be imposed upon a finding that the conduct, or attempted conduct of the student poses a direct threat to the safety of any other member of the institution, its guests, property, or the student's behavior is materially and substantially disruptive of the institution's learning environment or other campus activities. In any case of interim or involuntary withdrawal or suspension, the student, or student organization, shall be given an opportunity at the time of the decision, or as soon thereafter as reasonably possible, to contest the suspension in accordance with this policy.

The President of Northeast State Community College or designee is authorized to negotiate a mutually acceptable resolution to any disciplinary proceeding or to rescind or convert any sanction imposed to a lesser sanction.

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Divisional Review Responsibilities Checklist: Institutional Excellence and Student Success

Revision History: April 2014, Edited Dec. 2019; Edited June 2021; Revised Aug. 2022