Policies and Procedures Manual

Chapter 6: College Committees & Advisory Councils

06:04:01   Care Team Subcommittee

Related Policies and Guidelines

TBR Policy Behavioral Intervention Teams  

NeSCC Policy 03:05:15 Behavioral Intervention and Threat Assessment

NeSCC Policy 06:04:00 Behavioral Intervention and Threat Assessment Committee


The Care Team Subcommittee of the Behavioral Intervention and Threat Assessment (BITA) Committee shall determine appropriate intervention strategies and referrals to campus and community resources for reported behaviors of concern. 


  1. Director of Accessibility, Counseling, and Testing Services/Counselor, Chair, Non-voting
  2. Coordinator of Accessibility Services/Success Coach
  3. Deputy Chief of Police
  4. Representative from Veterans Affairs (1): appointed by the Assistant Vice President for Enrollment Services
  5. Representatives from Academic Affairs (2): appointed by the Vice President for Academic Affairs
    1. A.A.S. Nursing (1)
    2. Social Work (1)

A Licensed Professional Counselor shall provide consulting services. Additional professional consultants may be utilized when deemed necessary. 

The committee shall meet monthly as a subcommittee of the Behavioral Intervention and Threat Assessment (BITA) Committee or as needed to review reports and progress. 

 Records Management

The Care Team Subcommittee members shall utilize the Report Behaviors of Concern online system and the Behavior of Concern Submission Form to track contacts, reports, and progress. The Assistant Vice President for Enrollment Services shall maintain the online reporting system, forms, and any additional supporting items in a secure environment.

Students seeking counseling services shall be provided with an Informed Consent for Counseling Services form. Upon completion of the form, students shall be provided with applicable services, which may involve referral services to off-campus resources.

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Divisional Review Responsibilities Checklist: Institutional Excellence and Student Success

Revision History: Sept. 2014; July 2015; Aug. 2015; April 2016; Aug. 2016; May 2017; Edited Aug. 2019; Edited Oct. 2019; Revised Jan. 2021; Edited Oct. 2021