Policies and Procedures Manual

Chapter 6: College Committees & Advisory Councils

06:04:00   Behavioral Intervention and Threat Assessment Committee

Related Policies and Guidelines

TBR Policy Behavioral Intervention Teams      

NeSCC Policy 03:05:15 Behavioral Intervention and Threat Assessment

NeSCC Policy 06:04:01 Care Team Subcommittee


The Behavioral Intervention and Threat Assessment (BITA) Committee provides behavioral monitoring and responses that are important parts of Northeast State Community College’s roles and responsibilities. Such services may include consultation, teaching, prevention, developmental interventions, and treatment referrals.


  1. Assistant Vice President for Enrollment Services, Chair
  2. Vice President for Institutional Excellence & Student Success, Vice Chair
  3. Assistant Director of Policy and Compliance
  4. Chief of Police
  5. Coordinator of Accessibility Services/Success Coach
  6. Dean of Student Services/Counselor
  7. Deputy Chief of Police
  8. Director of Human Resources
  9. Vice President for Academic Affairs (or designee)

A Licensed Professional Counselor shall provide consulting services. Additional professional consultants may be utilized when deemed necessary.

The committee shall meet monthly and additionally as needs arise. Members shall receive immediate notification of behaviors of concern through emails from the Report Behaviors of Concern online system. Referrals to a Care Team of college and community professionals may occur.

The BITA Committee may discuss student issues and progress during meetings and through team correspondence. Confidential student information will only be released to college administration and law enforcement in the event of an emergency or threat.

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Divisional Review Responsibilities Checklist: Institutional Excellence and Student Success

Revision History: Sept. 2014; July 2015; April 2016; Aug. 2016; May 2017; Revised Aug. 2019; Edited Oct. 2019; Edited Feb. 2020; Revised Jan. 2021; Edited June 2021; Edited Oct. 2021;Edited June 2022