Policies and Procedures Manual

Chapter 3: Student Affairs

03:05:15   Behavior Intervention Team

Related Policies and Guidelines

TBR Policy Behavioral Intervention Teams

NeSCC Policy 06:04:00 Behavior Intervention Committee

NeSCC Policy 06:04:01 Care Team Subcommittee


The Behavior Intervention (BIT) Team shall serve as Northeast State’s central point of contact for threat assessments but is not a punitive or disciplinary board. The focus shall be on behaviors of concern and the determination of positive resolutions. The committee shall be responsible for the following:

  • reviewing referrals from the Report Behaviors of Concern online system;
  • responding to reports of disruptive, problematic, or concerning behavior or misconduct;
  • identifying behaviors of concern affecting an individual's well-being, the well-being of others, or the welfare of campus;
  • investigating student and employee behavioral issues;
  • performing threat assessments;
  • determining the best mechanisms for support, intervention, warning/notification, and response;
  • deploying college and community resources to students and employees experiencing behavioral issues; and
  • maintaining a system for tracking behavioral issues.

BITA assessments shall not replace or supersede any state or federal laws regarding public safety and law enforcement. 

The National Behavioral Intervention Team Association’s (NaBITA) Threat Assessment Tool shall be utilized to determine risk to the college community. Through this threat assessment matrix, the College’s BIT Team shall convene to investigate reports, review data, and determine next steps, including referrals to a Care Team of college and community professionals.

Reporting Behaviors of Concern

Northeast State encourages all members of the college community to report behaviors of concern. Such notifications enable the BIT Team to intervene when necessary, offer referrals to campus and community resources, and identify patterns or systematic problems related to misconduct. Northeast State has developed an online mechanism to report behaviors of concern in addition to direct reports to the Northeast State Police Department. The Report Behaviors of Concern online system is designed to enable students, faculty, and staff to voluntarily report behaviors of concern and incidents of misconduct using the Behavior of Concern Submission Form.

Reports may be submitted anonymously. 

Behaviors of concern shall be defined as those behaviors that seem questionable, suspicious, or inappropriate to the situation. Behaviors that go beyond what is normal for the situation may be presented through an individual’s notable change in appearance, spoken or written words, or specific actions.

 Examples of situational behaviors of concern that should be reported: 

  • Disruptive behaviors which regularly interfere with the classroom environment or management (e.g., belligerent behavior or improper use of technology)
  • Repeated academic misconduct
  • Repeated violations of NeSCC Policies and Procedures, including the Student Code of Conduct
  • Notable change in behavior or appearance (emotional reactions or personal hygiene)
  • Impairment of thoughts (verbal or written)
  • Inappropriate or strange behavior
  • Low frustration tolerance or overreaction to circumstances
  • Paranoia
  • Anger management problems
  • Overly aggressive behaviors toward others (inability to set limits or re-direct focus) 

Examples of emergent behaviors (harm to self or harm to others) that may require immediate intervention and should be reported to the Northeast State Police Department directly at 423.677.7927 (emergency cell) or by calling 9-1-1: 

  • Criminal Activities
  • Sexual Assault
  • Domestic Violence
  • Dating Violence
  • Stalking
  • Hazing / Bullying
  • Disappearances, kidnappings, or missing persons
  • Harassment (all categories)
  • Hate Crime
  • Acts motivated by hatred or discrimination
  • Incidents of alcohol, drug, or substance abuse
  • Writings and comments endorsing violence (unusual interest in violence) that convey clear intentions to harm self or to harm others
  • Indirect or direct threats to others (writings, verbalizations, or actions)
  • Threatening online postings on D2L, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, or other social media sites
  • Self-injurious behaviors
  • Suicidality or the expression of suicidal thoughts, including:
    • Attempts
    • Gestures (e.g., giving away belongings, erasing a hard drive, or making a point of saying “goodbye”)
    • Ideation – “I’ve thought about killing myself.” or “You'd be better off without me.”
    • Threats – “I’m going to kill myself.”,  “I’m going to jump off the roof.”, or “I’m going to slit my wrists.”
    • Visit www.NortheastState.edu/SuicidePrevention for more information.

Records Management

BIT Team members shall utilize the Report Behaviors of Concern online system and the Behavior of Concern Submission Form to track contacts, reports, progress, and potential threat issues. The Assistant Vice President for Enrollment Services shall maintain the online reporting system, forms, and any additional supporting items in a secure environment.

Confidentiality of Records

BIT members may provide each other with information about a student being monitored by the BIT as is necessary to protect the health, safety, and privacy of the student or other persons and to generate a recommended course of action in accordance with applicable legal and professional standards of confidentiality, including the release of information pursuant to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA).

Confidentiality of information and records considered by the BIT shall be maintained in accordance with all applicable federal and state laws and TBR and institutional policies.


All members of an institutional BIT shall attend relevant training at least on an annual basis.

Such training shall include information regarding the role of the BIT on campus, reporting procedures, confidentiality requirements, policies and laws regarding student discipline, due process, and the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the threat assessment model utilized by the institution.

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Divisional Review Responsibilities Checklist: Institutional Excellence and Student Success

Revision History: May 2017, July 2017, Sept. 2018; Revised Jan. 2021; Revised July 2021; Edited Oct. 2021; Edited June 2022