Policies and Procedures Manual

Chapter 4: Business & Administration

04:75:00   Limited English Proficiency Policy

Related Policies and Guidelines

TBR Policy Admission at the Community Colleges

TBR Policy Learning Support (formerly A-100 Learning Support)

TBR Policy English Language Learners (Formerly A-105)

TBR Policy Delivery of Services to International Students and Faculty

TBR Guideline: G-130 Limited English Proficiency

The policy advises Northeast State Community College, as a recipient of federal funds, of the obligation under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to take reasonable steps to provide meaningful access to persons with Limited English Proficiency (LEP).

  1. Access

    1. Individuals with Limited English Proficiency (LEP) can be defined as "those individuals who have a limited ability to read, write, speak, or understand English." Because English is not the primary language of these individuals, they may have a limited ability to function in a setting where English is the primary language spoken, such as at Northeast State Community College.
    2. Northeast State Community College may encounter LEP persons in the form of international students, faculty, staff, and other individuals seeking services and access to programs.
    3. To ensure compliance with the requirements of Title VI, Northeast State Community College (NeSCC) has followed the procedures established in TBR Guideline: G-130 Limited English Proficiency.
      The provisions below apply to other situations involving persons with LEP:
      1. NeSCC campus staff will post services available to LEP persons in highly visible areas and also provide trained personnel to provide meaningful services and access to programs for these persons.
      2. NeSCC campus staff will promptly identify the language and communication needs of the LEP person who makes theirself known to the institution.
      3. NeSCC campus staff will then have options to address the language and communication needs of LEP persons.

        These options may include but are not limited to:
        1. Using language identification cards (or "I speak cards") or posters to determine the language;
        2. Maintaining an accurate and current list showing the name, language, phone number, and hours of availability of a staff interpreter, if applicable;
        3. Contacting the appropriate staff member to interpret, if an interpreter is needed, and/or if an employee who speaks the needed language is available and is qualified to interpret;
        4. If necessary, obtaining an outside interpreter if a staff interpreter is not available or does not speak the needed language.

    4. When there is a need to translate vital documents, the Title VI Coordinator will submit documents for translation into frequently encountered languages to the responsible staff person or interpreter. Documents being submitted for translation must be in final, approved form.

NeSCC Title VI Coordinator will regularly assess the efficacy of these procedures, including but not limited to mechanisms for securing interpreter services, equipment used for the delivery of language assistance, complaints filed by LEP persons, and feedback from the public and community organizations.

Individuals who believe they have not been provided reasonable access to LEP services may file a complaint with the Title VI Officer within 180 days after the last incident of denial.

Title VI Coordinator
Tracy Barry

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Divisional Review Responsibilities Checklist: Inclusive Excellence and Sponsored Programs

Revision History: January 2021