Policies and Procedures Manual

Chapter 6: College Committees & Advisory Councils

06:26:00   Intellectual Property Advisory

Related Policies and Guidelines

TBR Policy Intellectual Property


The Intellectual Property Advisory Committee shall conduct such investigation as may be necessary to assess the rights and responsibilities of all parties as to inventions, discoveries, and copyrightable materials. The Committee shall advise the President in all matters/concerns/issues of inventions, discoveries, and copyright or copyrightable materials as it may impact the institution.


A committee of faculty and staff experienced in research, innovation, and the production of copyrighted materials shall be established as follows:

  1. Dean of the Library, Chair
  2. Chief Information Officer
  3. Faculty (4): appointed by the President
  4. Staff (1): appointed by the President


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Revision History: Feb. 2007; Feb. 2009; Nov. 2011; March 2013; June 2013;, Sept. 2014; Edited Aug. 2019; Edited June 2021