Policies and Procedures Manual

Chapter 3: Student Affairs

03:06:11   Guidelines for Institutional Support of Student Organizations

Related Policies and Guidelines

TBR Guideline S-030 Student Advisor

TRB Policy Student Organizations

Northeast State Community College shall provide support and assistance to advisors of student organizations through the development and implementation of certain activities and programs related to a successful, system-wide approach. These actions are to include but not be limited to the following:

  1. The College may offer rewards and incentives to advisors and offer formal recognition for diligence and excellence in the area of advising which may include but not be limited to such items as cash awards, public announcements, media coverage, evaluation reports, reduction in workload, etc.
  2. The College should develop a well-rounded program designed to train and assist advisors; key components of the training program shall include:
    1. a handbook that details current responsibilities, duties, resources, funding guidelines, key staff members, and a contact list of College officials in case of emergencies, etc.,
    2. one or more in-service programs designed to provide training and learning opportunities for advisors, and
    3. periodic bulletins or correspondence designed to keep advisors up-to-date regarding new developments, policies, or procedures that affect the organization as set forth by the College and the Tennessee Board of Regents (TBR).

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Divisional Review Responsibilities Checklist: Institutional Excellence and Student Success

Revision History: April 2014; Edited Oct. 2019