Policies and Procedures Manual

Chapter 4: Business & Administration

04:61:00   Use of College Property & Facilities as Setting for Commercial Advertising Production

Related Policies and Guidelines

NeSCC Policy 04:34:00 Outside Contracting

In general, Northeast State Community College does not encourage the use of its grounds or facilities as the setting for commercial advertising ventures but exceptions may be made in those instances where in the opinion of the College administration the production and airing of such an advertisement could be expected to have a beneficial impact upon the institution.

All inquiries and requests for such use of college property and/or facilities should be directed to the office of the Vice President for Finance and Administration and are subject to final approval by the President. If development of a contract is needed, refer to NeSCC Policy 04:34:00.

If permission is granted for such an enterprise, the College must review and approve the final advertising product prior to its airing or distribution to ensure that it is not detrimental to the image of the College.


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Divisional Review Responsibilities Checklist: Finance and Administration

Revision History: Implemented July 2003; Revised: May 2004; Sept. 2006; March 2013; Aug. 2019; Edited Aug. 2020; Edited Dec. 2020