Policies and Procedures Manual

Chapter 4: Business & Administration

04:74:00   Room Naming Policy

Related Policies and Guidelines

TRB Policy Naming Buildings and Facilities & Building Plaques

The naming of a building, facility or space is a significant, highly visible and enduring honor not to be given lightly. This policy provides a consistent and transparent framework for such decisions and to ensure strategic development opportunities are realized.

  1. Decision-making

    1. The President’s Cabinet shall approve the naming of facilities and spaces that comprise the external fabric of the College unless it has otherwise delegated some or all its powers.
    2. No proposal, offer or invitation regarding naming may be made without prior consultation with and support of the Vice President of the department that the employee currently is employed or was previously employed.
  1. Opportunities

    Opportunities for facilities and spaces that could be named include internal or external building features, such as a wall, building foyer, rooms and significant entrances; lecture theatres; seminar, reading and common rooms; campus gateways, gardens, and walkways. This list is indicative, not exhaustive.
    Facilities and spaces within a named building may also be named. Such names need not have any association with or link to the person or organization honored in the name of the building.

  2. Types of Names

    College facilities and spaces may be known by either
    1. functional names; or
    2. non-functional names, including naming after a person or organization (including a company). A facility or space may be named after a person or organization where that person is of academic eminence and has made an outstanding contribution to their field of study; or
    3. that person or organization has made an outstanding contribution to the development of the relevant School, Centre, Faculty, Campus, or the College overall; or
    4. a substantial benefaction has been made by that person or organization, or a person or organization associated with them

      As a general rule, facilities and spaces should not be named after persons still in active association with the College, or who might again become associated in the future, as such proposals should be considered on the basis of the person's full contribution to the College.
  1. Period of Naming

    In all cases, naming rights are considered to be in effect for the duration of the effective and typical useful life of the physical building, space or abject, and not in perpetuity.

  2. Consistency with Mission

    The person or organization to be honored through naming must not be or have been engaged in, or associated with, activities which are inconsistent with the College’s Mission and values.

    The College may withdraw the use of a name for a building, facility or space where it judges that subsequent events or information indicate that the use of that name would be inconsistent with its Mission and values, even if the period of the naming has not expired.

    1. The plaque shall be no larger in size than 5 inches by 7 inches and made of such material to match the space being named.
    2. The department making the naming request can allocate up to $50 for the purchase of the plaque.
    3. This policy follows the TBR Policy


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Divisional Review Responsibilities Checklist: Finance and Administration

Revision History: Aug. 2018; Edited Feb. 2021