Policies and Procedures Manual

Chapter 6: College Committees & Advisory Councils

06:23:00   Safety and Hazardous Waste Committee


The Safety and Hazardous Waste Committee evaluates the production and disposal of hazardous waste materials to ensure compliance with state and federal laws and the protection of the environment; maintains a comprehensive hazardous materials plan; submits annual audit reports to the state; monitors storage practices to ensure compliance; provides emergency response and/or training related to accidental releases; plans training for personnel responsible for proper storage and disposal of hazardous waste; and develops and maintains information on hazardous materials which can be used as an educational resource for the College.  


  1. Vice President of Finance and Administration, Chair
  2. Assistant Vice President for Multi-Campus Programs
  3. Campus Police Department representative 
  4. Coordinator of Accessibility Services
  5. Director of Plant Operations, Maintenance, and Safety
  6. Faculty (6) - Each appointed by their respective academic dean: 
    1. Faculty (1): in the Behavioral and Social Sciences Division
    2. Faculty (1): in the Health Professions Division
    3. Faculty (1): in the Humanities Division
    4. Faculty (1): in the Mathematics Division
    5. Faculty (1): in the Technologies Division
    6. Faculty (1): Instructor of Chemistry, Science Division
  7. Instructional Assistant – Biology
  8. Student (1): appointed by the Vice President for Institutional Excellence and Student Success
  9. Supervisor, Print Shop

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Divisional Review Responsibilities Checklist: Finance and Administration

Revision History: June 2002; Nov. 2003; May 2004; Nov. 2005; Feb. 2007; March 2008; July 2008; Oct. 2011; Sept. 2013; Sept. 2014; Oct. 2016; May 2017; Oct. 2017; Nov. 2017; Dec. 2017; July 2019; Edited Aug. 2019; Edited Feb. 2020; Edited November 2021