Policies and Procedures Manual

Chapter 3: Student Affairs

03:09:02   Campus Access

The campuses and facilities of the institutions and schools are restricted to students, faculty, staff, and guests of the institutions or schools, except when part or all of a campus, its buildings or facilities are open to the general public for a designated time and purpose, or when use by non-affiliated groups, organizations or individuals has been granted or approved pursuant to the provisions of this policy or the policy of the individual institution or school.

  1. Members of the general public (“non-affiliated groups or individuals”) may be ejected from campus at the discretion of the institution if they: 1) are on campus without a valid purpose pertaining to the “general public” use (e.g., public event, library, visit, appropriate use of public forum, etc.), or 2) lack prior approval. Therefore, members of the general public engaging in protests or demonstrations without prior approval may be ejected from campus. However, the general public is legally permitted to protest/demonstrate on property adjacent to campus. In such an instance, if the activity is disruptive to the operations of the institution, local law enforcement officials may be summoned.
  2. All persons on the campus of any institution or school shall be subject to all rules and regulations of the institution or school, and the Board which are applicable to the conduct of students on campus, and to all applicable federal and state laws and regulations. In addition, all persons who operate motor vehicles on the campus of any institution or school agree by such operation to be subject to institution or school, and Board rules, regulations, policies and procedures on traffic and parking.
  3. All persons on the campus of any institution or school shall provide adequate identification upon request to appropriate officials and security personnel of the institution or school. Personnel and students of the institution or school who refuse to provide such identification may be subject to disciplinary action. Other persons who refuse to provide such identification shall be requested to leave the campus, and if they refuse, may be subject to lawful removal and prosecution.

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Divisional Review Responsibilities Checklist: Finance and Administration

Revision History: April 2014; Edited Nov. 2019;