Policies and Procedures Manual

Chapter 4: Business & Administration

04:65:01   Continuing Education Fees


The purpose of this policy is to establish consistency and continuity in the administration and implementation of fees associated with non-credit, continuing education instruction. 


The fees for continuing education courses and services are calculated individually.  The calculations are based on the specific factors involved in the course development and class execution.  

The factors include:

  • Expertise and time required to develop the course.
  • Expertise and instructor credentials required to deliver the course content.
  • Required customization of course content.
  • Materials required including but not limited to: printed, electronic, electronic media, equipment, and lab supplies.
  • Facility usage.
  • Length of class; hours of instruction.
  • Number of participants in each class.
  • Frequency of course offering.
  • Organizational sponsorship of class.
  • Organizational partnerships.
  • Availability of alternative funding sources.
  • Administrative costs involved in class.
  • Location of class – length of time and travel. 

Payment of registration fees and any additional fees must also be made prior to attending class. 

If Northeast State cancels a course, a complete refund is provided. Continuing education course fees are not refundable if the participant cancels after the registration deadline listed on the course announcement form. Confirmed registrants may send an instructor approved substitute. Refunds will not be granted once a scheduled class has begun.

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Divisional Review Responsibilities Checklist: Finance and Administration

Revision History: March 2015