Policies and Procedures Manual

Chapter 7: Safety and Security

07:03:00   Secondary Communication Plan

Related Policies and Guidelines

NeSCC Emergency Operations Plan

In the event of a loss of primary communication (landline phones) at any campus location, the college will activate the Secondary Communication Plan. Cell phones are located at various locations as outlined in appendix G under the Secondary Communication Designees / Departments. Use of the issued phones is restricted to occasions when primary communication is inoperable and are for Northeast State-related business only. Procedure for usage is as follows:

  • Phones are available for secondary communication when it is determined that landline phones are inoperable for an extended time, due to loss of landline phone service. The Information Technology Department will notify employees of the landline phone outage via email if email service is available.
  • In the event of a loss of landline service, a notification will be put on the college website and through D2L with specific numbers used for secondary communication per appendix G of the NeSCC Emergency Operations Plan.
  • In the event that power is lost for an extended time, the college will update the website and D2L with specific numbers used for secondary communication per appendix G by sending a NeSCC Alert.
  • Each department / designee issued a phone has the responsibility to ensure that the phone is always charged and operational. In order to ensure that phones are working properly, each Secondary Communication Designee will test their phones on a monthly basis by making a call to a landline phone or another cell phone.
  • Each Secondary Communication Designee is responsible for ensuring their department’s respective cell phone is covered/staffed during the loss of Northeast State’s primary communication (landline phones).
  • In the event that phones are damaged or inoperable, contact the IT Service Coordinator.

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Divisional Review Responsibilities Checklist: Finance and Administration

Revision History: Adopted: Jan. 2020