Policies and Procedures Manual

Chapter 4: Business & Administration

04:70:00   Animals on Campus

This policy applies to animals classified as “pets” and “service animals” but does not apply to animals used for educational purposes. 

Owners of animals permitted on Northeast State Community College (NeSCC) campuses are responsible for ensuring that their animal’s wastes are properly removed from the grounds and disposed of in the trash or sanitary sewer. Modifications or exceptions will be made for persons with disabilities who are unable to comply with this requirement.

Pet Animals 

No pets or animals of any nature shall be permitted in any NeSCC facility unless authorized in writing by the institution, fish in aquariums of a designated size may be allowed.

Requests for the use of animals for educational purposes, other than research, or special events, i.e., cat and dog shows, etc., should be requested through the sponsor’s designated vice president or senior leader. 

Wild, except for indigenous populations, or exotic animals are forbidden on campus except by special permission of the College President and the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency.

Service Animals 

To provide equal opportunity to disabled individuals to obtain employment, education, and services from the College, it is the policy of Northeast State Community College to allow and encourage individuals with disabilities to use service animals. The Americans with Disabilities Act Amended Act of 2008 (ADA) for Title II defines “service animals” as, “dogs” that are individually trained to do work or perform tasks for people with disabilities.” Service animals are working animals, not pets. The work or task a service animal has been trained to provide must be directly related to the person’s disability. Service animals whose sole function is to provide comfort or emotional support do not qualify as service animals under ADA. If there is any uncertainty about whether an animal qualifies as a service animal, a determination will be made by the Coordinator of Accessibility Services located in the General Studies Building Room C1102; (423) 279-7640. The decision of the Coordinator of Accessibility Services is final. 

Use of service animals is subject to the conditions stated below.

A service animal is permitted in all classrooms, offices, hallways, eating facilities, theaters, sports areas, auditoriums, and other sites on campus, provided that: 

  • The animal is in a harness or kept on a leash. However, service animals kept in good control by the handler/trainer need not be in a harness or on a leash when in a student’s own housing facility or at an employee’s own workstation. Other exceptions to this policy are made on a case by case basis. 
  • The animal is adequately controlled so as to present no undue noise or disruption to others. 
  • The animal creates no danger of infection, transmission of disease, or other health problems to people. (Note: A well-controlled service animal creates no more of a health risk than a person does, so it should be allowed in any areas as humans without special clothing or extensive hygiene requirements). 

Service Dogs in Training 

Consistent with Tennessee law, T. C. A. § 62-7-112, NeSCC allows service dogs in training to be admitted to facilities. Service dogs in training must be on a leash, be under the control of the handler/trainer and wear a collar, leash, or other appropriate apparel or device that identifies the accredited school with which it is being raised. The trainer must present credentials for the dog issued by a school for dog training to the Office of Human Resources. 

NeSCC and college employees or agents assume no responsibility for controlling, keeping, feeding, or otherwise caring for any service animal. NeSCC and its employees assume no legal responsibilities for any injury or damage caused by a service animal. 

Job applicants and employees of NeSCC shall not be discriminated against in any aspect of employment because of an individual’s use of a service animal in conformance with this policy. Allowing the use of a service animal shall, in most cases, be a reasonable accommodation that allows an applicant or employee to qualify for the job in question. However, if the use of the service animal substantially interferes with the performance of essential job tasks, the accommodation may be re-evaluated. 

No employee, agent, representative, student, or other person affiliated with Northeast State Community College shall discriminate against an individual because of the use of a service animal in conformance with the requirements of this policy. No individual with a disability shall be prevented from entering, remaining, or using facilities of NeSCC because of the use of a service animal, unless such use is not in conformance to the requirements of this policy.

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Divisional Review Responsibilities Checklist: Finance and Administration

Revision History: Sept. 2015; Edited Jan. 2020