Policies and Procedures Manual

Chapter 3: Student Affairs

03:10:05   Appeals
  1. Student Traffic Court
    1. The Northeast State Student Traffic Court hears student appeals of traffic violations evolving from the violation of the Traffic and Parking Regulations on the campus.
    2. The Student Traffic Court shall have a residing Chief Justice, an Associate Chief Justice, and a maximum of four (4) Justices selected from the student body by a Selection Committee through an application and interview process. The term of appointment for Justices will be for no more than four (4) semesters or until the date of their graduation unless otherwise prohibited. 
    3. The Selection Committee appointing the Justices shall consist of a student representative from the current Student Traffic Court (if available), the Director of Student Life, the Chief of Police, and the Vice President for Institutional Excellence and Student Success or their designee.
    4. The Chief Justice, in consultation with the Director of Student Life, shall set the dates of any face-to-face Traffic Court hearings and notify the Student Justices.
    5. The administrative advisor to the Student Traffic Court shall be the Director of Student Life or their designated representative.
    6. The Chief Justice shall be responsible for keeping Court records.

  2. Appeals Function
    1. The Northeast State Student Traffic Court shall hear only student cases that are contested. Students may choose to contest citations through the Student Traffic Court’s online appeal process or by requesting an in-person hearing before the Student Traffic Court. Appeals should be filed within 45 calendar days of the citation’s date of issue. Exception: Citations for parking in a disabled parking zone must be appealed to the Vice President of Finance and Administration through the Chief of Police within 45 calendar days.
    2. Students submitting an appeal via the online appeal system will receive a decision from the Student Traffic Court within ten (10) working days. Students requesting an in-person hearing will be notified within five (5) working days of a scheduled hearing date. The scheduled hearing will be held within ten (10) working days of the request for hearing.
    3. Student Justices receiving citations may contest the citations before the Student Traffic Court, but they may not participate as a Justice in theproceeding.
    4. The decision of the Student Traffic Court shall be final. An appeal will not be granted on the basis that a student disagrees with the court’s decision. The Vice President for Institutional Excellence and Student Success may approve a rehearing of a case upon presentation of new significant evidence or substantiated allegations of due process violations. Such evidence must be presented to the Vice President for Institutional Excellence and Student Success along with a written request to rehear the case within forty-eight (48) hours of receipt of the original verdict.
    5. If a student elects to schedule an in-person hearing and fails to appear before the Student Traffic Court, absent good cause, the right to a hearing is forfeited and the charges and fine affixed.
    6. Parking and traffic violation cases involving employees may be appealed to the Vice President of Finance and Administration.

This policy is promulgated pursuant to, and in compliance with, TBR Rule 0240-02-03-.05 Traffic and Parking. To the extent that a conflict exists between this policy and TBR rule, policy and/or applicable law(s), the TBR rule, policy and/or law will control. History - Adopted by TBR: 12/8/11. Effective 1/29/12.

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Divisional Review Responsibilities Checklist: Finance and Administration

Revision History: April 2014, June 2017, August 2019; Edited March 2020