Policies and Procedures Manual

Chapter 5: Personnel

05:05:09   Faculty Load

Related Policies and Guidelines

TBR Policy 5:01:00:00 General Personnel Policy

All full-time personnel including faculty shall be required to devote a minimum of 37.5 hours per week to the institution and shall maintain appropriate office hours as determined by the president or designee. Calculation of the 37.5-hour workweek shall follow such guidelines as promulgated by the chancellor.

Within the requirement of a minimum of 37.5 hours per week, faculty shall be required to carry a full teaching load, which shall be 15 credit hours or the equivalent per term. All equivalent teaching load activities shall be subject to prior review and approval by the president or their designee.

The faculty is employed to accommodate teaching schedules, day or evening, to meet the needs of the students. The faculty in each division and the dean should work together to prepare an equitable schedule for that division. The proper course offerings and schedule of these courses are originated and approved by the division and submitted to the Vice President for Academic Affairs. Course offerings and teaching schedules should be made with consideration given to students, faculty members, and physical plant requirements.

Each semester the Vice President for Academic Affairs receives from academic deans an assignment of duties to each staff member (workload) in which the teaching load is evaluated. Weight is given to the number of teaching hours per week, size of classes, and extracurricular service undertaken.

Faculty shall post their office hours on their office doors. In addition to class and lab hours, a minimum number of office hours per semester should be scheduled - sufficient to bring the posted total to 30.0 hours. This practice provides students the necessary information to locate faculty for consultation. These schedules should be posted no later than one week after the beginning of classes.

Scheduled class meetings are an implied contract between the College and the student. Instructors are expected to meet the duration of the scheduled times except when sound educational judgment, compliance with approved college activities, or professional travel dictate otherwise. In those cases, compensatory assignments or activities should be made.

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Divisional Review Responsibilities Checklist: Academic Affairs

Revision History: Feb. 2007; June 2009; April 2011; Edited Feb. 2020