Policies and Procedures Manual

Chapter 3: Student Affairs

03:09:05   Facilities: Other Uses
  1. Political Use
    1. The use of campus property or facilities for speaking engagements by candidates for political office or for other political activities whether at the request of an affiliated or non-affiliated group, organization or individual shall be subject to the registration requirements and procedures specified above and shall be subject to the regulations of the College concerning other types of meetings or activities on campus property or in campus facilities.
    2. When campus property or facilities are used for political purposes, reasonably equal opportunity shall be provided for presentation of all sides or views or reasonably equal access to the property or facilities shall be provided all sides.
    3. No campaign posters, signs or other items of campaign or political advertising may be placed on campus property or facilities, except as specified below:
      1. Affiliated and non-affiliated groups, organizations or individuals with the exception of state employees may place campaign posters, signs or other items of campaign or political advertising, whether pertaining to a campus or general election, on bulletin boards or other locations on campus only subsequent to the registration and approval process.
  2. Religious Use
    1. Campus property and facilities may be utilized by affiliated groups or organizations for the purpose of religious worship or evangelical activities subject to the specified registration requirements and procedures.
    2. Non-affiliated groups, organizations and individuals may utilize campus property and facilities on a temporary basis for the purpose of religious worship or evangelical activities subject to the specified registration requirements and procedures.
  3. Literature Distribution or Sale
    1. Any proposed distribution or sale of literature by an affiliated or non-affiliated group, organization or individual is subject to the specified registration requirements and procedures.
    2. Any literature which is, or which is proposed to be, distributed or sold shall comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations, and with the regulations and policies of the College, and the Tennessee Board of Regents. No obscene literature or material shall be distributed on any property owned or used by the College. Obscene material is that which:
      1. Appeals to the prurient interest in sex;
      2. Portrays sexual conduct in a patently offensive manner; and
      3. Lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value.
    3. No literature, material or other printed matter shall be sold or distributed within:
      1. Classroom, library or other academic building or facilities; and
      2. Administrative and employee offices and work areas.
    4. The College shall designate the locations on campus, which are available for the sale or distribution of literature. In addition to those areas designated in subparagraph (3c) of 03:09:05 above, the College shall prohibit the sale or distribution of literature in all areas where such would:
      1. Cause injury or damage to campus resources;
      2. Unreasonably impair the academic atmosphere of the campus;
      3. Unreasonably interfere with the academic program and other activities of the College or with the administrative functions of the College; or 
      4. Substantially impair the use of facilities or services on the campus or the flow of vehicular or pedestrian traffic.
    5. No person, whether distributor or recipient of literature, shall cause any litter to occur on the campus of the College, and literature shall only be discarded in trash receptacles on campus.
    6. Persons engaged in the sale or distribution of printed matter shall not obstruct or impede pedestrians or vehicles, harass other persons with physical contact or persistent demands, misrepresent the purposes or affiliations of those engaged in the sale or distribution, or misrepresent whether the printed matter is available without cost or donation.
    7. The College shall have the right to terminate the distribution or sale of literature by any group, organization or individual which violates the provisions of this policy.
  4. Solicitations
    1. Except as is otherwise permitted by this provision, solicitation for purely commercial purposes is prohibited on all property owned or used by the College provided that solicitations by the College and solicitations by vendors incidental to the vendor providing services on behalf of the College pursuant to a contract between the College and the vendor are permissible. Solicitation will not be considered to include activities or events engaged in by affiliated groups, organizations or individuals for the purpose of raising funds to meet expenses of the group, organization or individual. The funds raised by such activities or events shall be used for the benefit of the group, organization or individual or for charity, and no funds shall be distributed to the officers, members, or any individual for personal profit or use. For purposes of this provision, the following activities are not prohibited:
      1. Advertising, as permitted by this policy.
      2. Sale or distribution of commercial literature as permitted by this policy.
    2. Solicitation and fund-raising activities other than for purely commercial purposes may be conducted on property owned and used by the College by affiliated groups, organizations or individuals, charitable organizations holding such activities with the sponsorship of the College or the State of Tennessee, or non-affiliated groups, organizations or individuals subject to the specified registration requirements and procedures of Sections 09:04:00:02 through 09:04:00:05.
    3. No solicitation of charitable funds shall be permitted unless the group, organization or individual provides evidence to the College demonstrating that the proposed activity is in accordance with, or exempt from, the provisions of T.C.A. Sections 48-3-501 through 48-3-518.
    4. Solicitation in conjunction with the distribution of literature is subject to the provisions of Section 03:09:05 subparagraph (3) above.
    5. Solicitation of dues and/or membership in an organization is permissible only by affiliated groups, organizations or individuals.
    6. Solicitation shall only be permitted in those areas designated by the College pursuant to the conditions of Section 03:09:05 subparagraphs (3c) and (3d) above. Application for registration of a solicitation may be denied for any of the reasons set forth in Section 03:09:04 above, and persons engaged in solicitation shall comply with the provisions of Section 03:09:05 subparagraph (3f) above.
    7. No funds solicited on campus property shall inure to the benefit of any individual unless contributions are requested for the relief of an individual specified by name at the time of solicitations, and all funds contributed are turned over to the named beneficiary for their use without any deductions whatsoever.
    8. The College may require any group, organization or individual to verify the use, application or disposition of funds solicited on campus property.
  5. Advertising
    1. No advertising signs, posters, or other material may be placed on any campus property or facility by any non-affiliated group, organization or individual; except that the College may permit advertising on specifically designated bulletin boards and other designated locations on campus. Affiliated groups, organizations and individuals may place advertising materials on campus property but only in such places as are designated by the College.
    2. The College may authorize the inclusion of advertisements in appropriate campus publications for a reasonable fee.
    3. The College may permit limited advertising by groups, organizations or individuals when incidental to a donation of property or services to the College, or pursuant to a contract with the College.

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Divisional Review Responsibilities Checklist: Finance and Administration

Revision History: April 2014; June 2016; Edited Nov. 2019