Policies and Procedures Manual

Chapter 4: Business & Administration

04:07:00   Community Relations and Marketing

Related Policies and Guidelines

NeSCC Policy 04:40:00 Procedures for Approval of Publications

The office of Community Relations is responsible for internal publications, news releases, and news and events postings.  The Marketing Office is responsible for external marketing, advertisements, and publications.  Requests for printing must be accompanied by a Publication Request Form.

Community Relations

All information for news release to the public through print, digital, and broadcast media should be coordinated with the office of Community Relations.  Administrative/Professional staff, faculty, and support staff interested in media coverage for a particular event or subject area should forward such requests through the office of Community Relations. Requests for news coverage should be forwarded to the office four weeks in advance of an event. The office will help with evaluating whether the subject is newsworthy and suggest the best ways of promoting the news item. The office of Community Relations contacts the media about potential story ideas; however, the local media sometimes calls on Northeast State administrators and faculty for expertise regarding various subjects. If this occurs, persons receiving calls from the media are asked, as a courtesy, to inform the office of Community Relations about content and slant of any news stories. If a Northeast State employee receives a call from the media, they should refer them to the office of Community Relations for assistance. The media has been requested not to consider as official any information regarding programs, staff, or activities at Northeast State provided by anyone other than the president, the director of Community Relations or the director of Marketing, or persons directed by them to disseminate information. Requests to the Community Relations Office for printing should be accompanied by a Publication Request Form as outlined in Procedures for Approval of Publications in NeSCC Policy 04:40:00. Requests should be submitted well in advance of a target delivery date. Depending on the size and scope of a particular job, graphic design generally requires two weeks to complete and printing requires another two weeks. Photographic services in support of the community relations function are available through the office of Community Relations. The determination about the appropriateness of photo assignments or the suitability for public distribution of photographs is at the discretion of the director of Community Relations. Where possible, all photographs should be scheduled in advance.

Large-scale requests for publications, marketing, events, and advertisements that affect the brand and image of the College will be referred to the Marketing Advisory Committee, as deemed appropriate by the Director of Marketing and/or the Director of Community Relations. The purpose of the Marketing Advisory Committee is to ensure consistency of College branding and community image that supports the College’s strategic plan. Advisory committee members will provide a consistent review of internal resources for all marketing projects and exercise fiscal responsibility to maximize the return on investment (ROI) for all divisions within the College. The Marketing Advisory Committee is comprised of the Director of Marketing, the Director of Community Relations, the Assistant Vice President for Enrollment Services, an academic dean, and the Chief of Staff.


All publications to be mailed or delivered to addresses off campus, such as special print and audio/visual communications, such as advertising and marketing materials, for dissemination to targeted audiences should be coordinated through the Director of Marketing.  External entities that purport to act as agents for, or representatives of, Northeast State are required to submit advertising, marketing, and media materials to the office of Marketing for proper review by the College.  All advertisement, publications, marketing materials must be approved by and coordinated through the Marketing Office to ensure compliance with SACSCOC and TBR guidelines.

The media has been requested not to consider as official any information, such as advertisement or marketing materials, regarding programs, staff, or activities at Northeast State provided by anyone other than the president, the director of Community Relations or the director of Marketing, or persons directed by them to disseminate information.

Requests to the Marketing Office for publications should be accompanied by a Publication Request Form as outlined in Procedures for Approval of Publications in NeSCC Policy 04:40:00.  Requests should be submitted well in advance of a target delivery date.  Depending on the size and scope of a particular job, graphic design generally requires two weeks to complete and printing requires another two weeks. 

Large-scale requests for publications, marketing, events, and advertisements that affect the brand and image of the College will be referred to the Marketing Advisory Committee, as deemed appropriate by the Director of Marketing and/or the Director of Community Relations. The purpose of the Marketing Advisory Committee is to ensure consistency of College branding and community image that supports the College’s strategic plan. Advisory committee members will provide a consistent review of internal resources for all marketing projects and exercise fiscal responsibility to maximize the return on investment (ROI) for all divisions within the College. The Marketing Advisory Committee is comprised of the Director of Marketing, the Director of Community Relations, the Assistant Vice President for Enrollment Services, an academic dean, and the Chief of Staff.

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Divisional Review Responsibilities Checklist: Institutional Advancement & Culture

Revision History: August 2002, August 2005, March 2010, November 2011, March 2016, October 2021