Policies and Procedures Manual

Chapter 4: Business & Administration

04:40:00   Procedures for Approval of Publications

Related Policies and Guidelines

TBR Guideline G-140 Publications

(Printed and On-line)

Official publications (printed and online) have a major impact on the image of Northeast State Community College. To ensure printed and on-line publications contain accurate information and convey a consistent, positive image to the community, the following guidelines apply to both printed and on-line publications. Examples of such publications include catalogs, schedules, applications, newsletters, brochures, booklets, posters, and flyers. When planning events or activities, initiating personnel should plan adequate time into schedules to allow for the publication approval process. 

Printed Publications 

  1. To initiate a printing/publication request, a Northeast State employee must complete a Publication Request Form. The form requests such information as publication title, Banner information, date of request, number of copies, and other instructions. The employee shall take into consideration the appropriate communication medium(s) for the target audience when determining if online and/or print publications shall be requested.
  2. After completing the form, the initiator should secure the signature of their supervisor and that of an appropriate vice president or division leader. If possible, the form should be accompanied by drafts of material to be included in the publication. Supervisors and vice presidents should review the publication’s content to ensure quality control. Each vice president or executive division leader is responsible for approving materials related to their individual divisions. This includes, but is not limited to, the college catalog, brochures and flyers related to individual academic programs, and other materials promoting the academic aspects of the college. The Vice President for Institutional Excellence and Student Success is responsible for approving marketing materials emphasizing the College in general. This includes, but is not limited to search pieces focusing on recruitment, selected correspondence with students, and other materials promoting the College. The responsibility for materials outside the purview of the Vice President for Academic Affairs and the Vice President for Institutional Excellence and Student Success will be assumed on a case by case basis by the appropriate vice president.
  3. After proper signatures are in place, the Publication Request Form and any other materials are forwarded to the offices of Community Relations or Marketing. The Director of Community Relations or the Director of Marketing will review the publication materials to ensure information required by the Tennessee Board of Regents, various accrediting agencies, and the institution is included. The Director of Marketing is responsible for external marketing, advertisements and publications; and the director of Community Relations is responsible for internal publications, news releases, news and events postings to the media. Documents should be distributed to the appropriate office.
  4. The Director of Marketing will return a proof (ready to print) copy of the completed piece to the appropriate vice president for proofreading. 
  5. The completed proofs will be returned to the Director of Community Relations and the Director of Marketing. In addition, a projected printing date will be sent to the appropriate vice president. The President and the Chief Financial Officer must approve all off-campus printing jobs as well as jobs requiring bids. 
  6. In the case of publications photocopied in small amounts, a numbered master copy will be used and returned to the initiator.  
  7. The Director of Marketing will be responsible for the Publications Request Form for Marketing, Advertisement. The Director of Community Relations will be responsible for the Publications Request Form for internal publications. The President will approve any changes to the form.
  8. The College’s Web Communications committee will work with both offices to approve on-line postings.



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Divisional Review Responsibilities Checklist: Institutional Advancement & Culture

Revision History: May 2010; Aug. 2011; June 2012; March 2013; July 2014; Sept. 2015; March 2016; Oct. 2016; Edited Feb. 2020