Policies and Procedures Manual

Chapter 4: Business & Administration

04:26:00   Key Control

Key control is a critical element of the overall safety and security program at Northeast State Community College. All building, room, and mailbox keys are strictly controlled items issued for use by authorized personnel only. The Director of Plant Operations is responsible for properly issuing all building, room, and mailbox keys at the Blountville campus, Northeast State at Gray, and Northeast State at Kingsport’s Regional Center for Applied Technology and Regional Center for Automotive Programs.  Building and room keys for the other buildings at the Kingsport and Johnson City campuses are controlled and issued by the respective Directors / Coordinators. Building and room keys for the Elizabethton campus are obtained from Carter County and controlled by the Director / Coordinator of Northeast State at Elizabethton. The Director of Plant Operations and the Director /Coordinators of Northeast State at Kingsport’s RCHP, RCAM, and KCHE buildings are the only individuals who can authorize duplication of keys. Employees of Northeast State are not permitted to let a student, student worker, or visitor use a building, room, or mailbox key.

  1. Obtaining New Keys: Any employee who requires a great grand master, building, room, or mailbox key must complete a Key Request form, which can be obtained from the “Forms” network drive. The Key Request form must have the appropriate signatures before the Director of Plant Operations will issue a key.  The level of approval by key type is outlined below:

    1. Room or Mailbox Keys: Faculty: Academic Dean.  Staff: Supervisor.
    2. Building Keys: All: Chain-of-command through the vice president level or equivalent.  The Key Request Form must include a letter of justification.
    3. Great Grand Master (GGM) Keys: All: Chain-of-command through the president.  The Key Request Form must include a letter of justification.   Note: The College recognizes that select Safety, Security, Plant Operations, and other personnel will require access to GGM keys to perform their duties.

      After the Key Request form has been completed, the form is then submitted to the proper issuing authority. The issuing authority will notify the employee when the key is ready to be issued. The employee must report in person to the appropriate issuing authority and sign for the key.  Swapping or exchanging keys among employees is strictly prohibited. All key requests are submitted to the Director of Plant Operations or the appropriate building coordinator using the Key Request form.

  2. Exchanging Keys: Employees who need to exchange one key for another due to moving from one office/classroom to another must report in person to the issuing authority with the key that needs to be exchanged. Employees are responsible to ensure their names are removed off the key control record kept by the issuing authority. A Key Request form for the room or office for which the employee needs a key must be submitted to the appropriate approval authority and forwarded to the issuing authority before a new key can be issued. Swapping or exchanging keys among employees is strictly prohibited

  3. Termination of Employment: All keys must be returned to Human Resources upon termination of employment with Northeast State. The appropriate Human Resources representative must sign and date the Termination Check-Off form prior to the employee receiving their final paycheck. Keys to Northeast State at Elizabethton must be returned to the director of Northeast State at Elizabethton.
  4. Keys for Adjunct Personnel: Adjunct faculty are not required to complete a Termination Check-Off form upon completion of employment. For this reason, all adjunct keys must be requested and controlled by the academic deans. The academic dean is responsible for keys issued to adjunct faculty. Adjunct faculty will be issued keys only to classrooms in which they instruct. The appropriate academic dean is responsible to ensure all adjunct faculty keys are turned in during the final check-out at the end of the semester or when the adjunct faculty member terminates their employment.   

  5. Mailbox Keys: Procedures for obtaining mailbox keys are the same as the procedures for obtaining room keys. A Key Request form must be completed and approved by the appropriate academic dean/supervisor for each key requested. Upon the employee’s termination of employment, mailbox keys are returned to the issuing authority.

  6. Damaged or Broken Keys: All keys that become damaged or broken must be returned to the appropriate issuing authority, who will notify the key holder when the replacement key is ready to be issued.

  7. Lost or Stolen Keys: Any key that is lost or stolen must be reported to the appropriate issuing authority and the Chief of Police immediately.



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Divisional Review Responsibilities Checklist: Finance and Administration

Revision History: Implemented: Sept.2004; Revised: Nov. 2005; March 2008; June 2010; April 2011; Sept. 2013; May 2017; Revised April 2020