SACSCOC Principles of Accreditation Ongoing Review Schedule
2018 SACSCOC Standards   2012 SACSCOC Standards
Years of
1.1 Integrity PR 1.1 N/A N/A
2.1 Institutional mission CR 2.4 1 Year 6/28/2019 Graybeal, Susan
3.1.a Degree granting authority CR 2.1 1 Year 7/30/2019 Graybeal, Susan
3.1.b Course work for degrees CR 2.7.4 2018-19 6/28/2019 Marshall, Connie
Hogan, Pashia
3.1.c Continuous operation CR 2.6 1 Year 7/30/2019 Graybeal, Susan
4.1 Governing board characteristics CR 2.2
CR 2.3
1 Year 6/28/2019 Graybeal, Susan
4.2.a Mission review CS 3.1.1
Last 2 cycles 8/30/2019 Graybeal, Susan
4.2.b Board/administrative distinction CS
CS 3.2.6
1 year 6/28/2019 Graybeal, Susan
4.2.c CEO evaluation/selection CS 3.2.1 1 Year 8/30/2019 Graybeal, Susan
4.2.d Conflict of interest CS 3.2.3 1 Year 7/30/2019 Graybeal, Susan
4.2.e Board dismissal CS 3.2.5 1 Year 7/30/2019 Graybeal, Susan
4.2.f External influence CS 3.2.4 1 Year 7/30/2019 Graybeal, Susan
4.2.g Board self-evaluation N/A--new
1-2 Years 9/30/2019 Graybeal, Susan
4.3 Multi-level governing structure CS
CS 3.13.4.a
CS 3.13.4.b
1 Year 7/30/2019 Graybeal, Susan
5.1 Chief executive officer CR 2.3 1 Year 6/28/2019 Graybeal, Susan
5.2.a CEO control CS 3.2.11 1 Year 7/30/2019 Graybeal, Susan
5.2.b Control of intercollegiate athletics CS 3.2.11 N/A 6/28/2019 Graybeal, Susan
5.2.c Control of fund-raising activities CS 3.2.12 1 Year 7/30/2019 Calvert, Linda
5.3 Institution-related entities CS 3.2.13 1 Year 6/28/2019 Calvert, Linda
5.4 Qualified administrative/academic officers CS 3.2.8
CS 3.2.10
16-17 - 18-19 7/30/2019 Calvert, Linda
5.5 Personnel appointment and evaluation CS 3.2.9 1 Year 6/28/2019 Calvert, Linda
6.1 Full-time faculty CR 2.8 Used last 3 falls for 2010 report 10/30/2019 Marshall, Connie
Hogan, Pashia
6.2.a Faculty qualifications CS 3.7.1 Spring 19 & Fall 19 10/30/2019 Marshall, Connie
Hogan, Pashia
6.2.b Program faculty CR 2.8 Used last 3 falls for 2010 report 10/30/2019 Marshall, Connie
Hogan, Pashia
6.2.c Program coordination CS 3.4.11 1 Year 9/30/2019 Marshall, Connie
Hogan, Pashia
6.3 Faculty appointment and evaluation CS 3.7.2 1 Year 9/30/2019 Marshall, Connie
Hogan, Pashia
6.4 Academic freedom CS 3.7.4 1-2 Years 7/30/2019 Marshall, Connie
Hogan, Pashia
6.5 Faculty development CS 3.7.3 1-2 Years 7/30/2019 Marshall, Connie
Hogan, Pashia
7.1 Institutional planning CR 2.5 16-17 - 18-19 10/30/2019 Graybeal, Susan
7.2 Quality Enhancement Plan (Due Aug/Sep 2020) CR 2.12
CS 3.3.2
N/A Graybeal, Susan
7.3 Administrative effectiveness CS 17-18 - 19-20 10/30/2019 Graybeal, Susan
8.1 Student achievement CS
FR 4.1
1 Year 9/30/2019 Graybeal, Susan
Connie Marshall
8.2.a Student outcomes: educational programs CS 17-18 - 19-20 10/30/2019 Graybeal, Susan
Connie Marshall
8.2.b Student outcomes: general education CS 3.5.1 17-18 - 19-20 9/30/2019 Graybeal, Susan
Connie Marshall
8.2.c Student outcomes: academic and student services CS 17-18 - 19-20 10/30/2019 Graybeal, Susan
9.1 Program content CR 2.7.2
CS 3.4.11
FR 4.2
2018-19 7/30/2019 Marshall, Connie
Canedo, Francis
Hitechew, Chris
Trent, Malissa
Wang, Xiaoping
9.2 Program length CR 2.7.1
FR 4.4
2018-19 6/28/2019 Marshall, Connie
Canedo, Francis
Hitechew, Chris
Trent, Malissa
Wang, Xiaoping
9.3 General education requirements CR 2.7.3 2018-19 7/30/2019 Graybeal, Susan
Connie Marshall
9.4 Institutional credits for an undergraduate degree CS 3.5.2 1 Year 6/28/2019 Marshall, Connie
Canedo, Francis
Hitechew, Chris
Trent, Malissa
Wang, Xiaoping
9.5 Institutional credits for a graduate/professional degree CS 3.6.3 N/A 6/28/2019 Graybeal, Susan
9.6 Post-baccalaureate rigor and curriculum CS 3.6.1
CS 3.6.2
N/A 6/28/2019 Graybeal, Susan
9.7 Program requirements CS 3.5.3
CS 3.6.4
18-19 6/28/2019 Marshall, Connie
Canedo, Francis
Hitechew, Chris
Trent, Malissa
Wang, Xiaoping
10.1 Academic policies CS 3.4.5 18-19 8/30/2019 Marshall, Connie
Bryant, David
Blair, David
10.2 Public information CS 3.4.3
FR 4.3
18-19 6/28/2019 Graybeal, Susan
Starling, Jennifer
10.3 Archived information CS 3.13.6 16-17 - 18-19 6/28/2019 Graybeal, Susan
Starling, Jennifer
10.4 Academic governance CS 3.4.1
CS 3.4.10
CS 3.7.5
1-2 Years 8/30/2019 Marshall, Connie
10.5 Admissions policies and practices CS 3.4.3
CS 3.13.7
FR 4.6
18-19 8/30/2019 Graybeal, Susan
Starling, Jennifer
10.6 Distance and correspondence education FR 4.8 1-2 Years 8/30/2019 Marshall, Connie
Hogan, Pashia
10.7 Policies for awarding credit CS 3.4.6
CS 3.4.8
FR 4.9
1 Year 7/30/2019 Graybeal, Susan
Starling, Jennifer
10.8 Evaluating and awarding academic credit CS 3.4.4 1 Year 9/30/2019 Graybeal, Susan
Starling, Jennifer
10.9 Cooperative academic arrangements CS 3.4.7
CS 3.13.2
CS 3.13.6
1 Year 9/30/2019 Marshall, Connie
Bryant, David
Blair, David
11.1 Library & learning/information resources CR 2.9
CS 3.8.1
2018-19 8/30/2019 Marshall, Connie
Demas, Chris
11.2 Library & learning/information staff CS 3.8.3 1 Year 8/30/2019 Marshall, Connie
Demas, Chris
11.3 Library & learning/information access CS 3.4.12
CS 3.8.2
1-2 Years 7/30/2019 Marshall, Connie
Demas, Chris
12.1 Student support services CR 2.10
CS 3.4.9
17-18 & 18-19 10/30/2019 Graybeal, Susan
Coleman, Kathy
Honeycutt, Jane
Starling, Jennifer
12.2 Student support services staff CS 3.9.3 1 Year 9/30/2019 Graybeal, Susan
12.3 Student rights CS 3.9.1 1 Year 6/28/2019 Graybeal, Susan
Starling, Jennifer
12.4 Student complaints CS 3.13.3
FR 4.5
1-2 Years 10/30/2019 Graybeal, Susan
Starling, Jennifer
12.5 Student records CS 3.9.2 1-2 Years 7/30/2019 Graybeal, Susan
Starling, Jennifer
12.6 Student debt N/A--new
1-2 Years 8/30/2019 Graybeal, Susan
Honeycut, Jane
13.1 Financial resources CR 2.11.1 17, 18, 19 10/30/2019 Calvert, Linda
13.2 Financial documents CR 2.11.1
CS 3.10.2
17, 18, 19 10/30/2019 Calvert, Linda
13.3 Financial responsibility CS 3.10.1 17, 18, 19 10/30/2019 Calvert, Linda
13.4 Control of finances CS 3.10.4 17, 18, 19 10/30/2019 Calvert, Linda
13.5 Control of sponsored research/external funds CS 3.10.5 1 Year 6/28/2019 Calvert, Linda
13.6 Federal and state responsibilities CS 3.10.3
FR 4.7
3 Years 10/30/2019 Calvert, Linda
13.7 Physical resources CR 2.11.2
CS 3.11.1
CS 3.11.3
2018-19 8/30/2019 Calvert, Linda
13.8 Institutional environment CS 3.11.2 1 Year 9/30/2019 Calvert, Linda
14.1 Publication of accreditation status CS 3.13.5.a
CS 3.13.5.b
CS 3.14.1
1 Year 7/30/2019 Graybeal, Susan
14.2 Substantive change CS 3.12.1 1-2 Years 9/30/2019 Graybeal, Susan
14.3 Comprehensive institutional reviews CS 3.13.4.a
CS 3.13.4.b
18-19 7/30/2019 Marshall, Connie
14.4 Representation to other agencies CS 3.13.1 18-19 6/28/2019 Marshall, Connie
Hogan, Pashia
14.5 Policy compliance CS 3.13.1
CS 3.13.4.a
CS 3.13.4.b
CS 3.13.5.a
CS 3.13.5.b
Seek guidance from Dr. Kirk 8/30/2019 Graybeal, Susan

NOTE: While SACSCOC reviews are episodic (decennial and fifth-year interim), the College is responsible for remaining in compliance with all standards at all times.

Those not marked with an asterisk will not be formally reviewed by SACSCOC until the decennial review. The official process for NeSCC's 2021 Reaffirmation of Accreditation will begin January 2019, with the Compliance Certification due to SACSCOC March 1, 2020 and the on-site visit occurring fall of 2020.

When applicable, our responses to the SACSCOC requirements/standards must address off-campus sites and distance education. Therefore, each writer should collaborate with the Academic Affairs Office to ensure off-campus sites and distance education are adequately addressed when applicable.

Required and suggested documentation for each standard can be found in the SACSCOC Resource Manual at (

For old 2012 Principles the PR, CR, CS and FR codes denote the following: PR=Principle Requirement, CR=Core Requirement, CS=Comprehensive Standard, FR=Federal Requirement